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added: 18-04-2014

The first estimate for the euro area (EA18) trade in goods balance with the rest of the world in February 2014 gave a 13.6 billion euro surplus, compared with +9.8 bn in February 2013. The January 2014 balance was +0.8 bn, compared with -4.8 bn in January 2013. In February 2014 compared with January 2014, seasonally adjusted exports rose by 1.2% and imports by 0.6%.

added: 18-04-2014

Euro area annual inflation was 0.5% in March 2014, down from 0.7% in February. A year earlier the rate was 1.7%. Monthly inflation was 0.9% in March 2014.

added: 15-04-2014

In February 2014 compared with January, seasonally adjusted industrial production rose by 0.2% in the euro area (EA18) and by 0.4% in the EU28, according to estimates from Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union. In January industrial production remained stable in the euro area and increased by 0.2% in the EU28.

added: 12-04-2014

There has been a steady increase in the share of persons aged 30 to 34 in the EU28 who have completed tertiary education, from 24% in 2002, when the series started, to 37% in 2013. The Europe 2020 strategy’s target is to increase the proportion of persons having completed tertiary education to at least 40% of the EU28 population in this age group by 2020.

added: 11-04-2014

The EU28 population aged 15 to 74 can be classified into three groups: in 2013, these were 216.4 million persons in employment, 26.2 million unemployed and 137.2 million economically inactive. Among those in employment, 43.7 million were part-time workers, of which 9.9 million (23% of part-time workers) are underemployed, meaning they wished to work more hours and were available to do so.

added: 08-04-2014

In February 2014 compared with January 2014, the seasonally adjusted volume of retail trade rose by 0.4% in the euro area (EA18) and by 0.5% in the EU28, according to estimates from Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union. In January retail trade increased by 1.0% and 0.6% respectively.

added: 05-04-2014

In February 2014, compared with January 2014, industrial producer prices fell by 0.2% in both the euro area (EA18) and the EU28, according to estimates from Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union. In January prices decreased by 0.3% in both zones.

added: 01-04-2014

The euro area (EA18) seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate was 11.9% in February 2014, stable since October 2013. It was 12.0% in February 2013. The EU28 unemployment rate was 10.6% in February 2014, down from 10.7% in January 20144. It was 10.9% in February 2013. These figures are published by Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union.

added: 01-04-2014

In 2013, average hourly labour costs in the whole economy (excluding agriculture and public administration) were estimated to be €23.7 in the EU28 and €28.4 in the euro area3 (EA17). However, this average masks significant differences between EU Member States, with the lowest hourly labour costs recorded in Bulgaria (€3.7), Romania (€4.6), Lithuania (€6.2) and Latvia (€6.3), and the highest in Sweden (€40.1), Denmark (€38.4), Belgium (€38.0), Luxembourg (€35.7) and France (€34.3).

added: 26-03-2014

In January 2014 compared with December 2013, seasonally adjusted production in the construction sector grew by 1.5% in the euro area (EA18) and by 1.3% in the EU28, according to first estimates from Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union. In December 2013, production in construction rose by 1.3% and 1.2% respectively. In January 2014 compared with January 2013, production in construction increased by 8.8% in the euro area and by 7.3% in the EU28.

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